5091 E. University, Pleasant Hill, IA, 50327, (515) 265-5714


Dealing with Discouragement

by John Morris


The story is told that one day Satan put his tools up for sale. They were many and varied. Tools of similar type were grouped together. On one table were displayed some of Satan's best-known devices: pride, selfishness, deceit, addiction, hatred. On another were tools of a different sort-things not sinful in and of themselves, but which the tempter is sometimes able to skillfully manipulate for his own purposes: pleasure, friendship, talent, anger. And then set apart from these collections, on a third table, was another instrument, unlabeled and unpriced. A curious shopper asked Satan about the tool. He responded, "That one's not for sale. It's too valuable to me. With that tool I can pry into almost any human heart, and once in, begin to work my will." Impressed by the description, the shopper inquired, "What's it called?" Picking it up and weighing it in his hands appreciatively, Satan replied, "Discouragement."


Discouragement is a loss of hope. It is a loss of expectation that a desired end can or will ever be achieved. It can be prompted by factors arising from without or within, can vary in severity, but is always characterized by the same basic condition-loss of hope. Loss of hope that I will ever make it through a trying time. Loss of hope that I will ever reach a desired goal. Loss of hope that things will ever get better.

We've all been there. And we'll probably be back. Discouragement just seems to be part of the human experience. Like so many things, it is "common to man" (1 Corinthians 10:13). And there's noth- ing wrong with it, in and of itself.


But losing hope can be dangerous. Too much hope lost, or hope lost too long, can move us from discouragement to despair, from being down to being depressed. And those are places of paralysis. When we lose hope, we lose the will to act. And losing the will to act-at least in matters related to faith- cannot help but result in eventual loss to the evil one. "Faith without deeds is useless" (James 2:20). Action is not only indispens- able to recovery (from discouragement, or almost anything else), but it is indispensable to living for the Lord. And so, discourage- ment, to the degree possible, is something to be minimized. And when it does come, it needs to be overcome. But how?

God gives us answers in 1 Kings 19.


The prophet Elijah had just had "a mountaintop experience."1 Atop Mount Carmel, before an assembly of irresolute Israelites, he had called upon God to demonstrate His power, and the Most High had responded with fire from heaven! The people had fallen on their faces in renewed reverence, and declared, "The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!" And their declaration had been followed with action. In obedience to Elijah's command, they had arrested the state-funded prophets of Baal, enabling Elijah to put an end to the prophets' idolatrous influence finally and forever. A resounding victory! But then events took a drastic turn for the worse. Elijah was informed by the queen's messenger that the victory was going to cost him his life. Jezebel had not been moved to repentance, but to revenge. And so in very short order, Elijah was transported from the mountaintop to the "valley of the shadow of death." He ran for his life, heading south to safety, and on the way began to brood. And he came to some conclusions:

  1. "I am no better than my fathers!" (1 Kings 19:4).
    I'm a failure.
  2. "[T]he children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, torn down your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left" (1 Kings 19:10).
    I'm all alone.
  3. "It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life" (1 Kings 19:4).
    I want to die.

Elijah was a deeply discouraged man. He had lost hope, and had lost heart. Life was no longer worth living. His was a wasted existence. There was no use in even trying anymore.

What could be said or done to help Elijah overcome his discouragement? Or us when we feel similarly? God shows us the way.


First, God let Elijah get some rest, and then made sure Elijah got something to eat (1 Kings 19:5-6). He did this twice (1 Kings 19:6-7). Sometimes, the best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep. Sometimes, just getting a little something in our stomach can do wonders for our mental outlook (just think what we observe in children!). The flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41). Lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, lack of exercise-these are all medically-recognized, potential contributors to discouragement and depression. Sometimes, though it may not solve our problems, we can help ourselves just by taking care of the body.


God told Elijah, "I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal" (1 Kings 19:18). Elijah's dismal outlook was based, in part, on bogus information-namely, his belief that he was all alone. Correcting that misunderstanding helped bring about a revolution in how Elijah felt. The same holds true for us. Sometimes, we need to tweak what we're telling ourselves- about ourselves, about others, about our circumstances, even about God. Are we telling ourselves the truth? The prophet David asked, "LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle [which includes enjoying God's presence and protection]?" David answered: "He who...speaks the truth in his heart" (Psalm 15:1-2). Truth is important, even when we're talking to no one but ourselves. And it's powerful. It changes how we think, which changes how we feel, even when there may be no change in our circumstances. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).


Work is therapeutic. It gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment (integral to joy) which can, in turn, cast people and experiences in a different light. It also helps us get our minds off ourselves and the things that discourage us. Sometimes our low times come simply because we're spending too much time thinking about ourselves and how things aren't going our way. Meaningful, engrossing work can really help crash a pity party! After taking care of Elijah's body, and clearing up his misunderstanding, God then gave Elijah a trifecta of tasks, three new jobs:

  1. anoint Hazael as king over Syria;
  2. anoint Jehu as king over Israel; and
  3. anoint Elisha as prophet in his place
(1 Kings 19:15-17)-plenty of work to keep him busy for a while. And significantly, not busy work. It was meaningful work, God's work. Always, there is more work to be done in the cause of Christ than there are workers to do it. When we get discouraged, it may serve us well to just get our minds on, and get our hands busy in, God's work. It worked for Elijah.


Finally, the man who believed he was all alone was given a companion to work alongside for the rest of his life. "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24), and Elisha would stick with Elijah to the very end. No man is an island. Everybody needs somebody. But that somebody can be hard to find, at times. Elijah had to travel from Horeb (in Arabia) back to Israel to find his friend, a journey of over a month. We may need put forth some extra effort, as well. We may need to visit a different congregation, attend events where potential godly friends are likely to be found, cross generational gaps, or get outside our comfort zone in some other way. "A man who has friends must himself be friendly" (Proverbs 18:24). But the blessing of a good, godly friend will make it worth all the effort. Such a friend can make all the difference when discouragement comes calling.


The Bible has much more to say that can be of genuine help to those dealing with discouragement. The example of Elijah only scratches the surface of the Bible's wisdom. But it should be noted that the greatest help for discouragement (or, for that matter, anything that creates a hurting heart) is Jesus Christ. No one loves us more, and no one is more ready (or more able!) to offer real help and real hope. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Jesus has kept that promise to millions, and He will keep that promise to you...if you come to Him. If you haven't come to Jesus, or would just like to learn more about Him, please contact the individual or church that shared this pamphlet with you. Rest is within your reach.


  1. The events detailed in this paragraph are recorded in 1 Kings 18.