Rapture! Really?
by John Morris
The word "rapture" is derived from the
Latin term raptus which meant "to snatch or
seize." Birds of prey are called raptors, since
they snatch up their prey. A person is said
to be rapt with attention when something
has so seized her interest that she is caught
up in it. And it's understood what Solomon
meant when he spoke of a husband being
enraptured with his wife's love (Prov. 5:19).
If we were reading 1 Thessalonians 4:17
in the Latin Vulgate (a fourth-century
translation of the Bible), we would find a
form of raptus appearing in Paul's discussion of how Christians will be "caught up"
in the clouds at the Lord's return. It is this
fact, apparently, that has given rise to the
use of "rapture" among many Bible-believers. And applied in this limited, literal
sense, "rapture" is certainly an accurate
way to describe what will be experienced
by Christians when the Lord returns.
The term, however, is generally used in
connection with much more.
In his 1998 book, Rapture: Under Attack,
best-selling author and vocal proponent of
the "pre-Tribulation" view of "the Rapture,"
Tim LaHaye, spells out point-by-point how
he believes events will unfold in the final
days of the world. In condensed form, his
play-by-play runs as follows:1
- Jesus will descend from heaven, but
His appearing will be witnessed by the
righteous only.2
- The dead in Christ will resurrect
(with changed bodies).
- Then those who are alive and remain
will also be changed.
- Both groups will be caught up
(raptured) together to meet the Lord
in the air.
- The Lord will take the raptured to
His Father's house.
- While in the Father's house, the
raptured will appear before the
judgment seat of Christ (but with
no threat of being condemned).
- While the Lord and the raptured
are in the Father's house, the Great
Tribulation will take place on Earth
(during which time those "left
behind" - those not raptured - will
have opportunity to turn to the Lord).
- After a period of years has passed
on Earth (seven, in LaHaye's view),
the Lord will celebrate the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb with the raptured,
then descend with them to Earth to set
up His earthly kingdom.
- This earthly kingdom will persist for
a thousand years ("the Millennium"),
after which the wicked will be resurrected and judged.
So goes LaHaye's understanding of how
"the Rapture" and surrounding events will
transpire. And so goes the understanding of
many sincere people of faith. But is this, in
fact, what the Bible teaches? To some extent,
yes. But on many points, no.
To begin with, note that this view of the
"end times" teaches that the Lord's return
will be a two-stage affair. Jesus will return
once to gather the raptured and take them
to His Father's house, then again to set up
His kingdom on Earth.3
LaHaye attempts
to support this dualistic view of Christ's
return by appealing to Titus 2:13 where Paul
states that Christians should be "looking
for the blessed hope and glorious appearing
of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."
He contends that "the blessed hope" and
"glorious appearing" are distinct events,
what amounts to two different comings of
Christ. But is that the natural reading of the
text? Would someone without preconceived
ideas understand Paul's statement that way?
Seems highly unlikely.
But we can let the plain passages of
Scripture illuminate the more obscure.
Jesus repeatedly spoke of His return in
His parables, and never as anything but a
single event. The king comes once to see
the guests (Mt. 22:11). The bridegroom
comes once to the wedding (Mt. 25:6, 10).
The lord comes once to settle accounts with
his servants (Mt. 25:19). The nobleman
returns once from a far country (Lk. 19:15).
And in keeping with this pattern, Jesus
spoke of "the coming of the Son of Man"
(Mt. 24:27, 37, 29), and Paul of "the coming
of our Lord" (1 Thess. 5:23; 2 Thess. 2:1).
Always, it is in the singular. And note, also,
how Jesus stated three times that He will
resurrect His followers "at the last day"
(Jn. 6:40, 44, 54). That leaves no future days
for a subsequent return - or for that matter,
a seven-year Tribulation or a thousand-year
reign on Earth.
The Scriptures simply do not speak of a
second, second coming - a third coming,
in other words. "To those who eagerly wait
for Him He will appear a second time..."
(Heb. 9:28). The Bible speaks of Jesus
coming again, not again and again.
And what about the nature of His second
coming? LaHaye asserts that only the righteous will see Jesus at His second appearing.
But what does the Scripture say? "Behold,
He is coming with clouds, and every eye
will see Him, even they who pierced Him"
(Rev. 1:7a). The soldiers who pierced Jesus'
flesh with spear and nails, and those who
moved political mountains to make it
possible that day, will have been dead for
over 19 centuries when Jesus returns. Yet they
will see Him. And the clear implication is that
they will not be among the righteous when
they do. Righteous or unrighteous, dead or alive, everyone will see Jesus when He comes.
And, it seems evident, everyone will hear
Him. There is some disagreement among
proponents of "the Rapture" over whether
or not the lost will hear the Lord when He
returns to gather His own. But the Scriptures
leave little doubt. Every eye will see Him.
Shall not every ear hear Him? "For the Lord
Himself will descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of an archangel, and
with the trumpet of God." (1 Thess. 4:16).
This is a symphony of sound intended to be
heard! When God descended upon Mount
Sinai, "the sound of the trumpet was very
loud, so that all the people who were in the
camp trembled" (Ex. 19:16). When the Lord
descends from heaven, it will be no different.
Which brings us to the resurrection. According to LaHaye and others who espouse his
view of "the Rapture," there will actually
be two resurrections (at least4) - one of the
righteous at Jesus' first appearing, then a
second of the wicked at the close of "the
Millennium." Two resurrections and two
judgments, each for only one category of
persons. But the Bible paints a very different
picture. Jesus spoke of "the resurrection,"5
never the resurrections. He declared: "Do
not marvel at this; for the hour is coming
in which all who are in the graves will hear
His voice and come forth - those who have
done good, to the resurrection of life, and
those who have done evil, to the resurrection
of condemnation" (Jn. 5:28, 29). Jesus spoke
of a single occasion ("the hour") in which
all the dead will rise. And Paul echoed this:
"I have hope in God...that there will be a
resurrection of the dead, both of the just
and the unjust" (Ac. 24:15). Commensurate
with Jesus' single second coming, there will
be a single resurrection of all the dead. And,
accordingly, there will be a single judgment
of all humanity: "When the Son of Man
comes in His glory, and all the holy angels
with Him, then He will sit on the throne of
His glory. All the nations will be gathered
before Him, and He will separate one from
another, as a shepherd divides his sheep
from the goats." (Mt. 25:31, 32). The "sheep"
and the "goats" - the righteous and the
wicked - will all be judged on "the last day."6
Jesus is coming back. His return will be
sudden, but it will not be secret. It will be
visible to all, audible to all, and its accompanying judgment will be final for all. And
that finality is why it's so important to
be aware of the errors connected with
doctrine of "the Rapture." By promising
two returns, "the Rapture" promises people
a second chance - another seven years,
according to some, another three and a
half, according to others - but a second
chance all the same. A second chance to
get right with God if the first chance was
squandered. But the Bible makes no such
promise. When Jesus returns, "all the tribes
of the earth will mourn because of Him"
(Rev. 1:7). Because they'll have a second
chance? No. Because they will have wasted
their only chance.
"And now, little children, abide in Him,
that when He appears, we may have
confidence and not be ashamed before
Him at His coming." (1 Jn. 2:28)
- Rapture: Under Attack (LaHaye), p. 35-37, 80
- Ibid., p. 35. Notice, however, that in
1 Cor. 15:51-52a, Paul does not say that Jesus'
descent from heaven will occur "in the twinkling
of an eye," but that the change from mortal to immortal bodies will take place in that space of time:
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed - in a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
- A misunderstanding of the kingdom. For more
information, see pamphlet, "Thy Kingdom Come."
But When?
- Some adherents of this doctrine teach that there
will be a third resurrection involving the "Old
Testament saints." It is believed to occur when Jesus
returns to set up His earthly kingdom.
- Mt. 22:30, 31; Lk. 14:14 (cf. Jn. 11:24; Ac. 17:18)
- Martha expected her righteous brother, Lazarus,
to rise on "the last day" (Jn. 11:24), and Jesus said
the wicked would be judged on "the last day"
(Jn. 12:48). More evidence that both the righteous
and the wicked will be present at "the judgment."