5091 E. University, Pleasant Hill, IA, 50327, (515) 265-5714

  Audio Archives 
Pleasant Hill VBS
VBS 2012 (Judaizing Teachers-Wade Stanley)
  Now Playing

   Collections Open a collection to play an album.
Collection 001: Acapella Music
Collection 002: Pleasant Hill Sermons
 Album 1-20: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2007
 Album 1-22: Pleasant Hill Member Sermons Pre-2007
 Album 1-23: Other Sermons Pre-2007
 Album 1-33: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2007
 Album 1-39: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2008
 Album 1-42: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2008
 Album 1-44: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2008
 Album 1-49: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2008
 Album 1-50: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2009
 Album 1-51: Pleasant Hill Apr-June, 2009
 Album 1-53: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2009
 Album 1-55: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2009
 Album 1-57: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2010
 Album 1-59: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2010
 Album 2-02: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2010
 Album 2-04: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2010
 Album 2-07: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2011
 Album 2-08: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2011
 Album 2-13: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2011
 Album 2-14: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2011
 Album 2-15: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2012
 Album 2-16: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2012
 Album 2-17: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2012
 Album 2-18: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2012
 Album 2-19: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2013
 Album 2-20: Pleasant Hill Apr-June, 2013
 Album 2-21: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2013
 Album 2-22: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2013
 Album 2-23: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2014
 Album 2-24: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2014
 Album 2-25: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2014
 Album 2-26: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2014
 Album 2-27: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2015
 Album 2-28: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2015
 Album 2-29: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2015
 Album 2-30: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2015
 Album 2-31: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2016
 Album 2-32: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2016
 Album 2-33: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2016
 Album 2-34: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2016
 Album 2-35: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2017
 Album 2-36: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2017
 Album 2-37: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2017
 Album 2-38: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2017
 Album 2-39: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2018
 Album 2-40: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2018
 Album 2-41: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2018
 Album 2-42: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2018
 Album 2-43: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2019
 Album 2-44: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2019
 Album 2-45: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2019
 Album 2-46: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2019
 Album 2-47: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2020
 Album 2-48: Pleasant Hill Apr-Sept, 2020
 Album 2-49: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2020
 Album 2-50: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2021
 Album 2-51: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2021
 Album 2-52: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2021
 Album 2-53: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2021
 Album 2-54: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2022
 Album 2-55: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2022
 Album 2-56: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2022
 Album 2-57: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2022
 Album 2-58: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2023
 Album 2-59: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2023
 Album 2-60: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2023
 Album 2-61: Pleasant Hill Oct-Dec, 2023
 Album 2-62: Pleasant Hill Jan-Mar, 2024
 Album 2-63: Pleasant Hill Apr-Jun, 2024
 Album 2-64: Pleasant Hill July-Sept, 2024
Collection 003: Labor Day Meetings
Collection 004: Meetings
Collection 005: Various Evangelists and Speakers
 Album 1-01: Winford Lee (18 Sermons)
 Album 1-02: Wilford Landes (16 Sermons)
 Album 1-03: Tom Woody: Building Self-Confidence
 Album 1-04: John Lee: Building Self-Confidence
 Album 1-05: Tom Woody: 14 Sermons
 Album 1-06: John Lee: Minor Prophets
 Album 1-07: John Lee: The 10 Commandments
 Album 1-08: John Lee: The Beatitudes
 Album 1-09: John Lee: Relationships
 Album 1-10: John Lee: 10 Sermons
 Album 1-11: James Baysinger: Church Government
 Album 1-12: James Baysinger: The Quiet One
 Album 1-13: James Baysinger: Ephesians
 Album 1-14: James Baysinger: 26 Sermons
 Album 1-15: Rick Sparks: Vastness of the Holy Spirit
 Album 1-16: Rick Sparks: Holy Spirit
 Album 1-17: Rick Sparks: Educating Young Christians
 Album 1-18: Rick Sparks: Marriage & Divorce
 Album 1-19: Rick Sparks: 19 Sermons
 Album 1-24: Tom Woody: Marriage & Family
 Album 1-25: John Lee: Marriage & Family
 Album 1-26: Comparing the Testaments - Tom Dennis
 Album 1-27: Walk with God - Louis Garbi
 Album 1-28: Sins of Comission and Omission - Lee Wright
 Album 1-29: The 1st Century Church - Duane Proudfit
 Album 1-30: Marvin Ingle: Our Adversary, the Devil
 Album 1-31: Marvin Ingle: How to Conduct a Bible Study
 Album 1-34: Marvin Ingle: Catholicism
 Album 1-35: Marvin Ingle: 11 Sermons
 Album 1-36: Richard Riggins: Man-Made Institutionalism
 Album 1-37: Richard Riggins: The 7 Churches of Asia
 Album 1-38: Richard Riggins: 23 Sermons
 Album 1-41: John Lee: Study of Daniel
 Album 1-45: Tom Woody: Flesh vs. Spirit
 Album 1-46: Tom Woody: The Kings
 Album 1-48: Jay Graham (Sept-2008)
 Album 1-58: March 2010 Study - Steve Wright
 Album 9-01: Rick Sparks: Dean Ave. 2009
 Album 9-02: John Morris (Dean Ave. 2010)
 Album 9-03: Rick Sparks: Dean Ave. 2011
 Album 9-04: Louis Garbi (Dean Ave. 2012)
 Album 9-05: Wade Stanley (Dean Ave. 2015)
 Album 9-06: Zechariah by John Morris
 Album 9-07: Islam by Wade Stanley (02/21/16)
 Album 9-08: Rick Sparks: Dean Ave. 2016
 Album 9-13: Rick Sparks: Dean Ave. 2018
Collection 006: Pleasant Hill VBS
Collection 007: Iowa Spring Meeting
Collection 008: Dean Avenue
Collection 009: Precious Are His Saints
Collection 010: Video Bible Readings (VBR)
Collection 011: ESV New Testament Bible
Collection 012: William Hensley Radio Broadcasts