 November Worship Schedule
 Sunday 9:30-11:30 Nov 3rd Nov 10th Nov 17th Nov 24th
 Welcome Mike W Mike W Mike W Mike W
 Opening Prayer Alex N Ryan I Gabby H Brian M
 Song Leader Jason B Gabby H Brian M Ayden T
 NT Reading Gabby H Miles W Max F Doug B
 Lord's Table Ryan Z Niko F Dave I Mike W
 Helpers Mike B   Niko F
Josiah P   Randy S
Sam P   Dave I
Shea H   Tim B
Kelly G   Randy I
Kinnick I   Nick H
Jason B   Alex N
Gabby H   Ryan I
 Sermon Marty W Randy I Jason B Nick H
 Announcements Mike W Mike W Mike W Mike W
 Closing Prayer Randy I Dan P Miles W Max F
Sunday Morning Classes and
Wednesday Night Review
Lesson: 152
Parable of the Sower
Luke 8:4-15
Lesson: 153
Jesus Calms a Storm
Matt 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41
Lesson: 154
The Demon Possessed Man
Mark 5:1-20
Lesson: 155
Parable of Wheat & Tares
Matt 13:24-30; 13:36-43
 Extra Info potluck
 Wednesday 6:30-7:30 Nov 6th Nov 13th Nov 20th Nov 27th
 Song Leader/Invitation Doug B None Niko F Mike W
 OT Reading Mike W None Marc H None
 Speaker Kelly G Young Men Dan P SONG NIGHT
Wednesday Night
Class Downstairs
Lesson: 196
Matthias is Chosen
Acts 1:12-26
(No Classes) Lesson: 197
Day of Pentecost
Acts 2
(No Classes)